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Imagine walking in an elephant’s footsteps…

GPS collars allow us to do exactly that and track the movement patterns of four special elephants, who we’re on a journey with. Their movements patterns supply us with crucial data otherwise lost. This data is priceless, revealing valuable information about their herd associations and post-translocation lives. By sponsoring a bull, you're becoming a vital part of their conservation story!


For just R22 (US$1.15) a day. journey with an elephant, making new tracks. With this you’ll be supporting one year’s data service fee

of only R8,280.00 (US$440) per elephant


Choose your elephant or all of them & sponsor their data for one year, and receive quarterly updates on their remarkable lives!






Via Credit Card, simply click on any of the elephants below.

Via an Electronic Fund Transfer click here. 

EFT reference: "(elephants name) Collar Data"

Age: 49 years


Seleka was translocated from Kaingo Game Reserve to !Khamab Kalahari Reserve in March 2022.


He was chosen with great care & consideration due the size and age of the required bull for !Khamab. He was selected to play a pivotal part of the final stage of an 8 year reintegration project.

Seleka settled into his new home very quickly, exploring mostly the northern section, and making a new friend in Chulumacha after he arrived at the end of April. As he is a mature older bull, he lives life on his time and enjoys his own company.  His presence has already influenced the resident bulls and herds with them exploring further north than their normal range.


Seleka’s movement patterns will give us insight into the world of a much older bull and how he adapts over the next couple of years.

Age: 26 years


Chulumacha was translocated from Amakhala Game Reserve to !Khamab Kalahari Reserve in 2022.


Part of the reintegration project was to ensure that the social structure of the elephants on the reserve was correct. To ensure this, Chulumacha was crucial at the age of 25 yrs to fill the differential age gap which the reserve had. After he arrived on !Khamab, he joined up with Seleka on his first night, continued with Seleka exploring the north before trundled south to explore areas with the resident bulls. He is a true gentleman, inquisitive when you arrive but always respectful of his space around the vehicle.


As Chulumacha visits the breeding herds more regularly, he will be a great influence & teacher to young Kaingo, likely changing his movement patterns and allowing him to explore further a field.

Age: 16 Years


Kaingo was translocated with Seleka from Kaingo Game Reserve to !Khamab Kalahari Reserve in March 2022.


For Kaingo it would have being daunting in a new reserve at his age, however he settled quickly after initially heading south before moving back into the centre of the reserve where the resident elephants were. Initially, Kaingo joined up with Sharu & Mana, two of the resident older bulls. These bulls allowed Kaingo the opportunity to connect and get to know the two herds. The adult cows were naturally skeptical of this young bull, however due to his lovely gentle nature, very quickly accepted him as part of their family. Kaingo and Tidimalo, a sub adult female, are seen regularly in close proximity whilst feeding.


We look forward to watching his growth and how his relationships develop with the other bulls. 

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Let's track, learn, and protect these magnificent creatures together!

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